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Unwanted hair is a common problem affecting both men and women. Conventional hair removal techniques include waxing, threading, bleaches and depilatory creams. These techniques offer a temporary solution for unwanted hair and are to be repeated frequently or as and when the hair re-grow.

Hair growth occurs in three stages – hair grows actively (anagen), then stops and the follicle shrinks (catagen). The follicles then enter a rest phase (telogen) before the hair growth resumes again forcing the old hair out of the follicle to make room for the new hair. Only hair in the growing phase respond to the laser treatment, thus multiple sessions are required to achieve optimum results.

Does laser hair removal work?

For individuals looking for permanent hair loss treatment, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair removal may be an ideal procedure. It is a very popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure. IPL hair removal uses high energy light which passes through the skin and is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle. This disables the hair follicle in the deeper layer of the skin and prevents hair re-growth. People with dark hair and light skin respond best and people with white, blond, or grey hair may not respond as there isn’t enough pigment or colour to absorb the laser energy and damage the hair follicle.

You cannot be treated if: pregnant, history of epilepsy and cold sore infections. It is not recommended for use in diabetics and in areas of sunburned/tanned skin. Following the IPL/laser treatment some patients may experience redness, itching, burning or a prickling sensation at the site of treatment. Rarely scarring, or the appearance of blisters may occur.

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